Is Coconut Water Good for Diabetes?

May 26, 2022

Advantages of Coconut water in Diabetes :

It is the best source of potassium . I Diabetes low sodium and high potassium diet is recommended specially with coexisting high Blood pressure.

It is  low in calories so instead of  other sugary juices and sodas makes it a better choice fin Diabetes .

It has a very low glycemic index that means rise in glucose is less on drinking coconut water.

Coconut water is clear liquid present inside of green Coconuts.An average green Coconut provides about 150-300ml  of Coconut water.Coconut water is rich in various minerals and electrolytes like potassium, calcium, manganese and antioxidants.

Coconut water use in Diabetes :

Recommended to prefer unsweetenedCoconut water in Diabetes.

It is a great beverage to drink during and after a workout.

It is rich in minerals, electrolytes and antioxidants that help to boost energy level instantly.

It is recommended to drink around 100 – 150 ml per day.

It is far superior than soda, soft drinks and juices .  contains more potassium and electrolytes, less sodium and fewer carbohydrates than many sports drinks.

Lemonade can be added to coconut water in Diabetes .

Precaution :

Those who suffer from kidney problem and are advised to reduce potassium intake, should avoid coconut water .

Yellow Illustration Coconut Water Benefits Instagram Post

Nutritional information for per 100ml of Coconut water:

Calories – 24

Carbs 4.4gms

Protein 1.4gm

Fat .1gm

Glycemic index

Potassium 245 mg